Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Georgia Governor has right idea

From AssociatedContent article:
"Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is going to tackle North Georgia's drought problem like any intelligent, thinking politician would do.

He's going to pray for rain.

The Baptist governor, who enjoys strong support from Georgia's Christian conservatives, has sent out invitations to a prayer service for rain at the Capitol next Tuesday.

Perdue's spokeswoman Heather Teilheit said, "Georgia needs rain. The issue at the heart of our drought problems is a lack of rain. And there is nothing the government can do to make that happen."

Fair enough.

Teilheit continued, "The governor recognizes that the request has got to be made to a higher power.""

The rest of the article is found here: www.associatedcontent.com/article/444481/georgia_governor_to_tackle_drought.html by AssociatedContent writer Jack Oceano. I copied the above and want to give him his credit.

I applaud Gov. Perdue! The author of this article is more than a little whacked out, though.

Sonny Perdue is right on track. Hey, Governor Perdue: We need rain here in South Carolina, too. Can you lift us up in prayer as well?